1st International Seminar on Modelling, Simulation and Machine Learning for rapid development of porous materials
The Department of Aerogels and Aerogel Composites of the DLR Institute of Materials Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) together with the working group Development and Modeling of Novel Nanoporous Materials of the Hamburg University of Technology is organizing the 1st International Seminar on Modelling, Simulation and Machine Learning for the rapid development of porous materials in Cologne, Germany, on 10.-12.05.2023.
We aim at bringing together young and senior scientists, comprising different scientific communities that all are engaged in the fundamental understanding of porous materials. We encourage young scientists to present their research in progress. We do our best to create a friendly informal atmosphere and promote crosstalk between disciplines related to porous materials. We welcome both lecture and poster format from all areas of computational understanding of porous media. Topics are centered around, but not limited to, these four areas:
– Materials modelling of porous media and architectured materials
– Molecular simulation of porous materials
– Modelling of nanostructured porous materials
– Machine learning in porous media
The list of keynote and guest speakers is confirmed:
Matthew Addicoat from the Nottingham Trent University
Yousef Heider from the RWTH Aachen University
Maciej Haranczyk from the IMDEA Materials Institute
Michael Bestehorn from the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Gennady Gor from the New Jersey Institute of Technology
The deadline for abstract submission is approaching. Please visit the website ( and submit your abstract. The conference is open to graduate students, PhD candidates, post-docs and senior researchers.
1st International Conference of the Croatian Ceramic Society
Dubrovnik, Croatia
26–29th April 2023
The Croatian Ceramic Society was the last established national society in the European area. As defined in the scope of the Statute, the CroCerS strives to increase visibility of the activities related with ceramic materials of the researchers and processionals in Croatia and internationally. Needless to say, establishing a biyearly International Conference would serve as a useful platform to support the above-mentioned activities. Following that, we believe the time is just about right to put the International CroCerS Conference under the spotlight. In doing so, the Scientific-Organizing Committee would like to omit the what has become fairly standard segmentation of the topics based on the application area or chemical composition. We would like to foster proactive segmentation resembling correlation of a material configurations and functionalities.
Therefore the proposed 1st CroCerS Conference, actually 1st International Conference of the Croatian Ceramic Society, will be thematically recognised as: AC-DC (Advanced Ceramics in Derivative Configurations) Conference.
Event information can be found at:
Extended abstract submission deadline: 09.04.2023
Early bird registration deadline: 14.04.2023
20 BURSARIES (courtesy of ECERS) are AVAILABLE for registered ECI participants. Bursaries will be offered according to Abstract quality; international ECIs will have priority (up to 500 Eur for travel & accommodation) before national ECIs (up to 150 Eur for travel & accommodation).
New Special Issue on aerogels topic
An article collection under Research Topic Towards a Century of Aerogels – Advances and Perspectives will be hosted by Frontiers. The article collection will be cross-listed with journals Frontiers in Chemistry (IF: 5.221), Frontiers in Materials (IF: 3.515), Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (IF: 5.890) and Frontiers in Soft Matter (launched in 2022). Contributions not only from the conference participants, but also from all members of the aerogel community are welcome! More information is available at the website:—advances-and-perspectives.
7th International Summer School on Aerogels
Cologne, Germany
20.09. – 23.09.2022
The department of Aerogels and Aerogel Composites of the Institute of Materials Research at the German Aerospace Center is hosting the 7th International Summer School on Aerogels in Cologne, Germany, on 20.09. – 23.09.2022.
It is organized cooperatively by the Hamburg University of Technology, the University of Salzburg, the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research in Würzburg, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology in Dübendorf, the University of Cologne and the German Aerospace Center.
During this workshop participants will be introduced to the fascinating properties of aerogels and perform many hands-on experiments learning how to model, synthesize and characterize inorganic, organic and bio-polymeric aerogels.
Why should you join?
- Get an insight into the science behind aerogel’s synthesis and their material properties.
- Hands on experience in numerical modelling, synthesis and characterization of aerogels.
- Learn about use-cases, projects and application in different domains.
- Opportunity to get in deeper discussion with the experts and subject matter experts from the industry and academia.
Students, PhD-Students, Postdocs, experienced scientists from universities, research organization and industry are invited to have a unique experience: the modelling, manufacturing and characterization of a fascinating nanostructured material.
Event information and registration for the Summer School can be found at: 7th International Summer School on Aerogels 2022
Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine (AFPM) 2022 conference
AFPM2022 conference will be organized in Sophia Antipolis by Center for Materials Forming (CEMEF) of Mines Paris from June 1st to June 3rd, 2022. The purpose of the AFPM conference series is to strengthen the interactions within the community of chemists, material engineers, physicists, biologists and clinicians in the development of Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine.
Contact: Dr. Sijtze Buwalda,
Deadline for poster abstract submission: March 15th, 2022
ECR event on Climate Change on 20.Sep.2021
For more information, please click here
For registration:
1st call for proposals NFFA-Europe Pilot – now open (deadline: 1.Sep.2021)
Aerogel Industry-Academia Forum
Join us on 13-15 July 2021 at the Aerogel Industry-Academia Forum to learn about the most innovative, current research and developments on aerogels and exchange with newcomer and established specialists on the field. Find here all the details.
Extended Deadline of Special Issue “Engineered Gels for Environmental Applications” – 30.June.2021
Urszula Stachewicz, WG3-Viceleader of AERoGELS COST Action, granted with the ERC-Starting Grant 2020
AERoGELS COST Action takes part in the “Online Seminar on Aerogels – 2020”
AERoGELS mask contest
The winner is a young Action member, Beatriz Merillas Valero a PhD
student at the University of Valladolid. Her design obtained 33%
of the total votes.
Here is her design.
Awards and Prizes
Award: Advanced Porous Materials PhD award
Organizer: Advapor Association
Deadline: 30.August.2020
More information: click on this link
Job offers
Position: Internship position on Bio-polymer aerogels as high-performance thermal insulation materials
Institution: PERSEE and CEMEF (Mines Paris)
Location: Sophia Antipolis (France)
Full job description: Please click here
Application deadline: The position is available from January 2024
Contact: Tatiana Budtova ( & Eleni Effraimopoulou (
Position: 3-year PhD position on Holistic Design of Nanohybrid Electrocatalytic Materials for Efficient Energy Conversion
Institution: ICGM, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, ENSCM – Dept. “Chemistry of Materials, Nanostructures, Materials for Energy” (D4)
Location: Montpellier (France)
Full job description: Click on this link
Application deadline: Starting date 3.October.2022
Contact: Dr. Raphaël Chattot (
Position: Aerogel Postdoctoral researcher
Institution: University of Udine
Location: Udine (Italy)
Full job description: Click on this link
Application deadline: Open until 15.August.2021
Contact: Prof. Lara Manzocco (
Position: Researcher
Institution: SCITEC Institute G. Natta, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Location: Milano (Italy)
Full job description: Synthesis and characterization of hydrogels and cryogels from polysaccharides able to act as carriers of active molecules. The call is open to candidates holding a scientific and professional curriculum suitable for the research activities focused on the topics of the call. Candidates will have these requirements: Second Cycle University Degree or equivalent or Master Degree in Chemistry, Chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, Industrial chemistry, Biotechnology; knowledge of English language; Italian language knowledge is a plus.
Application deadline: 22.June.2021
Contact: Dr. Antonella Boccia (
Position: Aerogel Process Development Chemist / Chemical Engineer
Company: Thermulon
Location: London (United Kingdom)
Full job description: Click on this link
Application deadline: Open until position filled
Contact: Dr. Sam Cryer ( or fill in webform at
Position: Lead Aerogel Chemist / Chemical Development
Company: Thermulon (new start-up job opportunity in aerogel chemistry)
Location: London (United Kingdom)
Full job description: Click on this link
Application deadline: Open until position filled
Contact: Dr. Sam Cryer ( or fill in webform at
Position: 3-year PostDoc
Institution: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Full job description: Click on this link
Application deadline: 19.02.2021.
Contact: Vilko Mandić
Scientific events
EIFS2024, the Third Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (Ourense, ES, 22-24.July.2024)
9th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Conference (Banská Štiavnica, SK, 26-30.June.2023)
Polymer Meeting 15 (Bratislava, SK, 4-7.September.2023)
3rd FIT4NANO workshop (Lisbon, PT, 17-19.July.2023)
6th European Symposium on Electrohydrodynamic Atomization and Electrospinning (10-12.May.2023)
1st International Conference of the Croatian Ceramic Society (26–29.April.2023)
Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine (AFPM) (1-3.June.2022)
Athens Conference on Advances in Chemistry (acac2020) (10-14.March.2021)