Training School on 3D-printing of gels and aerogels
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 21-23 June 2022
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the Training School on 3D-printing of gels and aerogels, which will be held on 21-23 June 2022, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
The meeting is organized by the AERoGELS COST Action ( and the I+D Farma research group from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
3D-printing is a disruptive technology able to produce unique materials with personalized shapes and advanced performances. The technological combination of 3D-printing with sol-gel and aerogel processing results in high added-value materials for several biomedical and environmental applications.
This training school aims at assembling and integrating the most recent advances in 3D-printing of gels and aerogels from an interdisciplinary perspective. This school comprises invited presentations covering a wide range of fundamental topics in terms of novel designs, processes, characterization techniques and uses from academia, industry and regulatory experts, focusing on biomedical and environmental applications. It will be a great opportunity for discussion, questions and exchange of ideas in the area of material science to encourage the collaboration within the AERoGELS COST Action CA18125.
Early-career investigators such as PhD students and young postdoctoral scientists will also have the opportunity to share and give visibility to their recent research on the topic in a special forum with short talks.
Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo (Co-Chair, University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Carlos A. García-González (Co-Chair, University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Luis Díaz-Gómez (University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Patricia Díaz-Rodríguez (University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Alvaro Goyanes (University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Víctor Santos-Rosales (University of Santiago de Compostela, ES)
Tatiana Budtova (Mines ParisTech, FR)
Pasquale Del Gaudio (University of Salerno, IT)
Samaneh Ghazanfari (Maastricht University, NL)
Falk Liebner (BOKU University, AT)
Clara López-Iglesias (Freie Universität Berlin, DE)
Hajar Maleki (University of Cologne, DE)
Ricardo Starbird (Tecnológico de Costa Rica, CR)
Urszula Stachewicz (AGH University of Science and Technology, PL)
Shanyu Zhao (EMPA, CH)
“Please click here to download the Book of abstracts”
Tuesday, 21st June 2022 – Day 1 Welcome and CAD design workshop
14:30-15:30 – Registration
Session 1: Welcome and Introduction
15:30-15:45 – Opening
15:45-16:30 – Hands-on training on 3D-printing of hydrogels
Koldo Artola, Domotek, ES
Eider Bergareche, Domotek, ES
Session 2: CAD design workshop
17:00-19:00 – Hands-on training of initiation to 3D-modelling
Rosa A Guerra, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
Patricia Tato, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
Wednesday, June 22nd – Day 2 3D-printing technologies
Session 3: 3D-printing for biomedical applications
9:30-10:15 – “History of 3D-bioprinting: Case studies“
Diego Velasco, Univ. Carlos III, ES
10:15-11:00 – “Additive manufacturing in a tertiary hospital: R+D+i Hospital de Cruces case study”
Rubén García, Plataforma de Impresión 3D y Bioimpresión. IIS Biocruces Bizkaia, ES
11:00-11:30 – Coffee break
Session 4: Aspects on the design and engineering of 3D-printers and inks
11:30-12:15 – “Characterization techniques and evaluation of prototypes “
Ricardo Starbird, Tecnológico de Costa Rica, CR
12:15-13:00 – “Strategies to incorporate cells in 3D-printed materials”
Patricia Díaz-Rodríguez, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
13:00-13:45 – “Engineering-biomedicine interdisciplinar development for tissue engineering: the human skin bioprinting case study”
José Luis Jorcano, Univ. Carlos III, ES
13:45-15:00 – Lunch break
Session 5: Overview on 3D-printing technologies (1)
15:00-15:45 – “Ink selection for 3D-printing of hydrogels: rheological aspects”
Samaneh Ghazanfari, Maastricht University, NL
15:45-16:30 – “Regulatory aspects in 3D-printing for biomedical uses”
América Castro, AEMPS, ES
16:30-17:15 – “Direct-ink writing of ceramic-based materials: opportunities and functionalities”
Benito Roman-Manso, Harvard University, USA
17:15-17:45 – Coffee break
Session 6: Overview on 3D-printing technologies (2)
17:45-18:30 – “Microextrusion-based 3D-printing: technologies and applications”
Diego Velasco, Univ. Carlos III, ES
18:30-19:15 – “Drop-on-demand 3D-printing: technologies and applications”
Carlos A García González, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
19:15-20:00 – “Relevance of 3D-printing in regenerative medicine “
Maria Pau Ginebra, Tech. Univ. Catalonia, ES
Thursday, June 23rd – Day 3 3D-printing case studies
Session 7: Case studies of 3D-printing of gels and aerogels (1)
9:30-10:05 – “Technological combinations: 3D-printing of aerogels”
Shanyu Zhao, EMPA, CH
10:05-10:40 – “Gradient architectures by 3D-printing for regenerative medicine”
Luis Diaz-Gómez, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
10:40-11:15 –“3D-bioprinting for drug screening systems”
Alvaro Gil, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
11:15-11:45 – Coffee break
Session 8: Case studies of 3D-printing of gels and aerogels (2)
11:45-12:20 – “ECOBONE: Bone scaffolds using supercritical fluid technology”
Víctor Santos-Rosales, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, ES
12:20-12:55 – “Biomimetic biopolymer-ceramic 3D printed aerogel scaffolds for bone tumor therapy and bone regeneration”
Hajar Maleki, Universität Köln, DE
12:55-13:30 – “Tissue regeneration: Protein- and polysaccharide-based hydrogels by 3D-printing”
Pedro Guerrero, BIOMAT, UPV/EHU, ES
13:30-15:30 – Lunch break
Session 9: Young Researchers and Innovators’ Forum (flash oral presentations from trainees)
15:30-15:40 – “Biowaste-derived electrode and electrolyte materials for flexible supercapacitors”
Yazan Al Haj, Aalto University, FI
15:40-15:50 – “Evaluation of different methodologies for primary human dermal fibroblast”
Cristina Quílez, Univ. Carlos III, ES
15:50-16:00 – “Bio-Based Magnetic Aerogels for bone cancer theragnostic”
Nuno Rosa Roberto, i3N/CENIMAT, PT
16:00-16:10 – “Aerogel Based 3D Printed Optofluidic Waveguided Multi-Channel Photocatalytic”
Jhan Luke Okkabaz, Koç University, TR
16:10-16:20 – “Association of 3D printing and cellular therapies for regenerative medicine”
Ana Catarina Sousa, University of Porto, PT
16:20-16:30 – “3D bioprinted scaffolds based on xanthan and functionalised biopolymers for soft tissue engineering”
Isabella Cobzariu, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, RO
16:30-16:40 – “New opportunities for Silk Sericin sterilization and gel design”
Anabela Veiga, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT
16:40-16:50 – “3D printable poly(vinyl alcohol)/nanocellulose and bacterial cellulose hydrogels”
Sabïnne Briede, Riga Technical University, LV
16:50-17:00 – “Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing of active agent loaded PEGDMA based hydrogels”
Sevil Cikrikci Erunsal, Konya Food and Agriculture University, TR
17:00-17:10 – “Coaxial Semi-solid extrusion 3D printing & ionotropic gelation for drug delivery application”
Giovanni Falcone, University of Salerno, IT
17:10-17:40 – Welfare
Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract on their current research on the field to
Please use the abstract template on this link
Travel grants offered by AERoGELS COST Action will be appointed only to trainees having submitted an abstract in due time.
Abstract deadline: 14th May 2022
Abstract decision: 20th May 2022
Early-bird registration: 6th June 2022
Please fill the registration form by clicking here
Registration Fees (VAT included):
- Registration only for AERoGELS Action members (before 6th June 2022): Free
- Registration only for non-AERoGELS Action members (before 6th June 2022): 120 €
- Registration only for non-AERoGELS Action members (after 6th June 2022): 180 €
- Registration + Meals* for AERoGELS Action members (before 6th June 2022): 120 €
- Registration + Meals* for AERoGELS Action members (after 6th June 2022): 180 €
- Registration + Meals* for non-AERoGELS Action members (before 6th June 2022): 240 €
- Registration + Meals* for non-AERoGELS Action members (after 6th June 2022): 360 €
* Meals include lunches of 22nd and 23rd June, tapas dinner of 21st June and gala dinner of 22nd June
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
Campus Vida, s/n
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
GPS: 42°52’31.4″N 8°33’18.7″W (42.875376, -8.555182)
Tourist information
Santiago de Compostela is located in the North-West of Spain and is the political capital of the Autonomous Region of Galicia. The Old Town of Santiago de Compostela has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, thanks to its architectural beauty, its outstanding conservation and being the destination of a millenary pilgrimage route that emerged in the 9th century -The Way of St. James-. Every year, thousands of pilgrims from all over the world live this experience of the road on foot, by bicycle, or even on horse, bringing together in the city different cultures, thoughts and beliefs.
Santiago de Compostela is the most cosmopolitan city in Galicia, with numerous popular celebrations, annual music festivals, cinema and theater and a multitude of exhibitions. Thanks to its University, founded more than 500 years ago and with more than 25,000 students, nearly a hundred annual cultural events are scheduled.
Santiago de Compostela symbolizes all the tradition and gastronomic treasures of a cuisine admired for the high quality of its ingredients, thanks to the sea and the land. That is why gastronomy is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of this city, from the most traditional to the most innovative. To learn more about Santiago de Compostela, please visit:
How to arrive from the airport
By bus
From Santiago Airport to town: To arrive from the airport to the town center there is a specific bus with departures every 30 min from 07.00 to 01.00 h.
From Santiago to Airport: there are buses from 06.00 to 00.00 h, with a frequency of 30 min.
Bus Stops at: Santiago (Praza de Galicia), Santiago (Rúa da Rosa, 8), Santiago (Estación de Ferrocarril/Railway Station), Santiago (Estación de Autobuses/Bus Station), Santiago (Capilla San Lázaro), Santiago (Palacio de Congresos), Santiago Airport (Terminal Building).
By taxi
Estimated cost: Taxi Airport-Town: 21 € (flat rate)
Accommodation options
Santiago de Compostela offers a great variety of hotels in a wide range of price categories (including youth hostels and local accommodation options). Nevertheless, early reservation of accommodation is strongly advised.
To search for accommodation in Santiago de Compostela you can use the following website: